Get with the Program: Home Town

home townAirs: Tuesdays at 10:00/9:00c on HGTV

TV show equationHome Town  =  Fixer Upper – 1/2 Asian – Texas + Mississippi

Premise in a Sentence:  Fixer Upper in Mississippi.

Really, I just wanted to use this post as a way to tell all of my Fixer Upper fans that if you aren’t watching Home Town, you should be.  But I guess I can go a little more in depth.

The show follows Erin and Ben Napier as they try and save their small town of Laurel, Mississippi by renovating one house at a time.  She is a designer and he is the handyman.  Sound familiar?  This show was always going to be compared to it’s Texan cousin, mainly because it is obviously HGTV’s attempt to recapture that Fixer Upper magic.  I am happy to report that it holds up pretty well in comparison.  I am even going to make a bold statement and say that the Napiers have had a more promising start than the Gaines’.  Have you ever gone back and watched those early episodes of Fixer Upper?  It’s disconcerting.  Chip is not his Chip-py self, he barely even cares about demo day, and Joanna is clearly uncomfortable on camera.  Not so with the Napiers.  They had the banter and dorky humor down pretty quick, perhaps because they had a pretty good example of a winning formula.

homeBen Napier is not quite as entertaining Chip, but his resourcefulness makes up for it in my book.  He is quite the Mr. Fix-It and seems more than capable when it comes to building furniture, restoring construction, and coming up with solutions to make Erin’s designs work.  Erin’s design aesthetic has a nice lived-in element to it, but it has variety.  Every project thus far has felt different while still having her stamp on it.  The best way I can describe it is that she seems to like a lot of stuff on the walls, but in a good way.  The town of Laurel seems to have more of a small town quality than Waco and the houses have more historic character.

Like I said, it’s pretty hard not to compare the two, but both shows come out of the comparison in good shape.  Part of me wonders if they should have just gone the Flip or Flop way and just called this Fixer Upper: Mississippi, but I am happy to see seemingly nice people get their own platform.  Fixer Upper is always going to be my go-to HGTV viewing, but I am happy to have Home Town in the off season.


The Fangirly Show: Episode #12 Fangirling About Stranger Things

Whitney and Ellen get back at it after their summer hiatus by talking about the summer’s most bingeable show, Stranger Things.  80’s nostalgia, conspiracy theory, Winona Ryder, and a hot dad sheriff, it’s all here.  Plus, we delve into how the Netflix model is changing how we watch TV, for better or for worse.  As always, Whitney tries to embarrass Ellen in a new game, this time quizzing her on Netflix taglines.

You can listen and subscribe HERE on iTunes, (NEW!!) on Google Play, or you can go HERE to listen and let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Stranger things

A Fangirly Birthday Tribute: Whitney’s 2016 Gifture Book

There once was a normal girl who lived on a normal street went to her normal school and had a normal day.  She even had a normal name of Whitney.



One day, Whitney came home to her normal house and began her normal evening routine wishing she could have something other than normal.


What this normal girl didn’t know was that she was destined for greatness and would soon be a member of the coolest, most exclusive club there is: The Society for Exceptional Ladies.


As Whitney laid her normal head on her normal pillow, she was pulled out of her bed by masked figures.




They instructed her to be quiet as they put a black bag over her head.  shocked cat

They seemed to be taking her somewhere and before long she was made to sit in a chair.

Scared and shocked

“Where am I?  Who are you?  Is this a Saw-type situation?  Because I will have you know that I am well trained in the horror movie genre and know how to handle any situation you throw at me?”

kill you

As her hood was pulled off, Whitney saw she was sitting on a chair in the middle a darkened room with only a single light bulb hanging over her.  She could see others standing in the shadows, but decided to first deal with the person standing directly behind her.

Come at me bro

“This isn’t a horror movie, Whitney.  You’ve been selected for The Society for Exceptional Ladies.”


The woman came around to face her.

“The Society…. wait.  Are you Peggy Carter?”


“Yes, I have nominated you for the society based on your general badassery and for always fighting for superior representation of women in superhero movies.”

ac 3

Whitney was still in a state of shock but managed, “Batman v. Superman was a bit of a mess, right?  They should never have cancelled you, Peggy.”


“Sorry,” Whitney said.  “I didn’t mean to bring up a touchy subject.”

Peggy shrugged and moved back into the shadows as two more figures came out into the light.


“Tina and Amy?” Whitney exclaimed.

“Yes, it is…we.  We have nominated you for your hilariousity and your ability to always make your cousin laugh.  Without fail.”


They moved back into the shadows as a Tina of a different variety emerged.

tina fall

“I have nominated you for respecting the male form, especially those of the famous variety.  And especially their butts.”

tina butt

“It has been my absolute pleasure,” said Whitney.


Over the course of the next hour, several more extraordinary ladies came forward.

Rey nominated Whitney for her never needing a guy to hold her hand.


Veronica Mars nominated her for being as sassy as all get out.


Penny Hartz nominated her for always trying to make the best out of a bad situation.


Jane Kerkovich Williams nominated her for owning up to her peculiarities.


Alex Kerkovich nominated her for knowing the value of both TV and a well placed pop culture reference.


Jane Austen nominated her for being one heck of a writer.


The Clones nominated her for embracing all all aspects of her personality.


Mindy nominated Whitney for knowing her self worth.

ass that wont quit

Kimmy Schmidt nominated her for always keeping it cool.


And her cousin Ellen nominated her for being the best cousin, friend, psuedo sister, all-around-awesome person that a girl could ask for.


(Oh, I’m sorry.  Did you not think I was going to be in this club?)

as if

Whitney accepted her new membership in the club with aplomb.

i do rock

She went on to eventually become the club’s president because even the most extraordinary of ladies had to recognize that Whitney was the most extraordinary of them all.

opera doc


Happy birthday, Whitney!  I agree with everything the extraordinary ladies said.


The Fangirly Show: Episode # 10 Fangirling Over Marvel v. DC

Whitney and Ellen get into it over the heated subject of Marvel vs. DC.  Who’s winning?  Is it even a feud to begin with?  We know you will have opinions.  Plus, another humiliating game of Truth or Dare in which Whitney does some stellar musical impressions and Ellen spits some rhymes from Hamilton with a mouthful of popcorn.

You can listen and subscribe HERE on iTunes or you can go HERE to listen and let us know your thoughts in the comments below.


The Fangirly Show: Episode # 9 Fangirling Over Period Dramas

Whitney and Ellen gab about their favorite period dramas (and boy, do they have opinions on those). Plus, the stirring conclusion to their Oscars pool in which Whitney has to try and struggle through a dramatic reading of horrible fanfiction featuring multiple Batmans (Batmen?) and a buff Mickey Mouse. You have to hear it to believe it.

You can listen and subscribe HERE on iTunes or you can go HERE to listen and let us know your thoughts in the comments below.


Web Bytes: Pee-Wee’s Big Holiday Trailer

If you caught our last podcast, you may remember that Pee-Wee is much beloved in our family.  Speaking for my own nuclear family, we just flat out love Pee-Wee.  My brother and I would wake up early to eat cereal and watch reruns of Pee-Wee’s Playhouse, it is mandatory every year that we watch  the Pee-Wee’s Playhouse Christmas special (because it is amazing), and Pee-Wee’s Big Adventure  is a family classic that is oft-quoted (“Paging Mr. Herman.”).

This new trailer doesn’t completely have me sold, but if Netflix is giving Reubens and Co. the creative liberties to rekindle the comedic sensibilities of the Pee-Wee of yore, sign me up.


The Fangirly Show: Episode # 7 Fangirling Over TV Revivals

Whitney and Ellen discuss the pros and cons from a bringing back a show from that underworld known as cancellation.  Is it a good thing or bad thing for the landscape of television?  But more importantly, has it ever been done well?  Plus, the ladies lay down their bets for their Fangirly Oscar Pool.  Who will win?   And who will have to suffer the consequences of losing?  (Odds are, Whitney).

You can listen and subscribe HERE on iTunes or you can go HERE to listen and let us know your thoughts in the comments below.


Fangirly Crush of the Week: Enver Gjokaj

Earlier this week, Whitney made a very strong case for why you and everyone on planet Earth should be watching Marvel’s Agent Carter.  I will now give you a lesser, but still very compelling reason, that of of Mr. Enver Gjokaj as Chief née Agent Daniel Sousa.

First of all, he looks like this:


Second, he is funny and self-effacing on Twitter:

But, finally, and most importantly in my mind, you can’t help but fall in love with his character.  Sousa is evolving before our very eyes as he goes from self-conscious victim of war to slightly more confident Chief of the LA division of the SSR who kicks butt despite his disability.  I’m also rooting for him to be evolving into the future Mr. Carter but we will have to wait on see on that front (but it is SO happening).   For the time being, I will enjoy the romantically entagled angst and his 1940’s style Magnum PI vibe that he has going this season., because it is all working.  Well.

What else are we going to have to do to make you watch this show?


That should do it.




The Fangirly Show: Episode #6 Fangirling Over the Best of 2015

Ellen and Whitney go through their favorites of 2015, everything ranging from books to music, movies and TV, performances and scenes.  We’ve got you covered.  Will Ellen go a full hour without talking about Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.?  (Don’t count on it.)  Will Whitney be able to overlook the swooniness of Oscar Isaac?  (Don’t put money on it.)  But still listen to find out.

You can listen and subscribe HERE on iTunes or you can go HERE to listen and let us know your thoughts in the comments below.


What to Watch and When to Watch It – Fall 2015

It should be pretty evident that I am a huge TV nerd, so much so that it should not come as a shock that I make an Excel spreadsheet before every Fall TV season. In case you want to know what I am watching or in case you want to know what you should be watching, I am sharing my nerdy spreadsheet.

A few notes:

Blue is for shows that have a guaranteed season pass, red is for either new or older shows that I am going to give a shot, new show in italics. I recently upgraded my DVR to allow for 6 shows to be recording, so I no longer have limitations.

– Also, for the first time ever I made a chart of the release dates.

– I saw the pilot for Supergirl and I liked them enough to know I want more.

– Only new show that is a guaranteed season pass: The Muppets.  Duh.

– Some shows that are not on the networks that I am jazzed about: Fargo (FX), The Walking Dead (AMC), The League (FXX), You’re the Worst (FXX), Doctor Who (BBC America), The Mindy Project (Hulu).

– You may notice that CBS’ schedule looks a little screwy, but that is because of Thursday Night Football.  Things will shift around after November, so the Thursday schedule I have listed is what it will be after football.

– Just don’t even try to talk to me on Tuesday nights anymore.


Fall 2015 TV

Fall 2015 Calendar


So go ahead, let me have it. What am I stupid for watching? What are you getting jazzed to watch?

– Ellen

10 TV Couples That Are My Relationship Goals

There are many relationships on TV but only few are chosen… by me to someday emulate.  Many are fraught with drama and while those are fun to watch, I hope to someday have one that is more like the following:

10.  Monica and Chandler (Friends) – These two were my first OTP (internet speak for “One True Pairing”).  Shmoss and Shmachel, I only cared about Monica and Chanandler Bong.  I like that his amount of dorky is the perfect match to her amount of crazy.

monica and chandler

9.  Bob and Linda Belcher (Bob’s Burgers) – The Belchers are not only a relationship goal but a family goal.  Someday I hope to raise a similar band of weirdos.  Bob and Linda stick together and accept each other’s eccentricities amidst all the chaos.

8.  Jim Halpert and Pam Beasley (The Office) – Speaking of chaos, in a different bunch of weirdos, these two found each other.  They might have had a few (infuriating) bumps along the way to find each other but they did it.  I always loved that their relationship felt real.  They initially bonded over shared jokes and stayed together through hard work. Continue reading

Fangirly Crush of the Week: Rob Delaney

mwbw-robdelaneyDuring the course of my Summer Binge I caught up on the Amazon/British series Catastrophe.  The show focuses on a couple who find out they are expecting a baby after a brief fling they had while Rob, played by Delaney, visited the UK on business.  The show is a really great contribution to the romantic comedy genre, while also being more than just a rom com.  It is a very funny, sweet, and authentic look at something that feels like a realistic relationship.

Okay, we got all that out of the way.  Now onto the swoony Rob Delaney.  Would 12-year old Ellen have appreciated Rob?  No, probably not.  While I may have admired his sense of humor, I was not yet mature and sophisticated enough to appreciate his swarthy manliness, nor his metro lumberjack fashion sense.  But guess who does appreciate all of that in a big way?  This girl.

In summary, I dare you to watch the show and fall for Rob the Character and I dare you to read the following Twitter conversation and not fall in love with Rob the Man.  Such a man.  Ooh, boy.




23 Times Liz Lemon Hit Too Close to Home

Lately, I have been re-watching 30 Rock, just because. It’s like one of those times when you meet up with an old friend and it is as if no time has passed. If anything, you just remember how awesome that friend is and how much you miss them.

While I have always identified with Liz Lemon, I am realizing that age is only bringing me further into my Liz Lemonhood.  Let’s explore.

1. Post work evenings are more like this:

liz lemon 4

2.  Whenever I put on makeup and my contacts I feel like this:

liz lemon 25

3.  If ever I have a conversation with a crush without wanting to cringe:

liz lemon

4.  Never knowing how to comfort people going through a hard time:

liz lemon 24

5.  Anytime I go to a sporting event: Continue reading

Ellen’s Summer of the Binge

Summer gives us some great movies, but the television is bit limited (other than Big Brother and SYTYCD, of course).  While some may bemoan this, I celebrate it by using this time to watch a whole lot of shows that I don’t always have the time to get around to during the regular TV season.  My bingeing is greatly aided by the fact that I can watch while I am at work.

I thought I would run through the shows that I have been watching this summer, in particular order.  Unless, “the order that I remembered them” is considered an order.

chuck-box5Chuck (First Time) – As mentioned in last week’s Crush of the Week, I fell pretty hard for both Zachary Levi and the show itself.  It can be a bit corny at times, but overall, I really loved it.  Fun, funny, and heaps and heaps of sexual tension.

Buying & Selling (First Time) – I definitely prefer the original Property Brothers or the OG PB as the cool kids call it.  Of course, this didn’t stop me from watching a lot of it.  I think my main problem with this version is that the buying is my least favorite part of OG PB.

Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt (Re-Watch) – Much like the other Fey/Carlock joint, the rewatchability factor on this is high, there is just so many hidden gems that come out on repeat viewings.

Spaced (Re-Watch) – I feel the need to bust this show out every now and then because I just love it so much. This time around, I watched each episode, then again with the original commentary, THEN AGAIN with the guest commentaries for the special edition DVD. Fun bit of trivia: My first post for this site was about Spaced.  I just love it that much.

Wet Hot American Summer: First Day of Camp (First Time) – This one may warrant it’s own post, so I may not say too much here.  Much like the OG WHAS, the humor here may not be for everyone but I have a major soft spot for David Wain and Co.  Even if the brand of humor is not for you, the cast alone may be enough reason to watch.

The X-Files (Re-Watch in Progress) – This show was on every Sunday night in my house growing up because my mom was a huge fan of both the show and David Duchovny.  I figured that I should give it a re-watch in preparation for the new series.

Rehab Addict (First Time) – Another show that is not my favorite, yet I watched all of it.  While I do like her design style and dedication to restoration, Nicole gets on my nerves and it drives me nuts that it takes multiple episodes to get through one house.

Flip or Flop (First Time) – The reason I don’t like Rehab Addict is the reason I like Flip or Flop.  Tarek and Christina are by no means my favorite, but I like that they get through a whole flip from buying to selling in only 20 minutes.

HFXUP105_BTS_Johanna-Chip-Muscles_v.jpg.rend.hgtvcom.616.822Fixer Upper (First Time) – BY FAR my favorite of the HGTV genre.  I love their houses, I love the format, but mostly I just love Chip and Joanna so much.  That being said, I wish Joanna was out of the picture so that I could marry Chip and run a renovation company with him.

Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries (First Time and then Re-Watch) – I lost track of how many times I watched this show because when I was really obsessed with it, I would just put it on in the background.  Just because.  If you want more of my thoughts on this one, go here.

The IT Crowd (Re-Watch) -I watch a lot of these shows while I am working, so it is nice to have an easy comedy that I can not pay a lot of attention to and still enjoy thoroughly.  Very British and very silly but so funny and Chris O’Dowd is so cute.

Love It or List It (First Time) – You might be able to tell, but I went on a bit of an HGTV bender this summer.  This is yet another that is not my favorite, but it was mindless entertainment for a couple days at work.

Derek (First Time) – I wrote a lengthier review of this one after I had watched all of it.  I’m really surprised that it took me so long to get to this one being the fan of The Office and Extras that I am.  It is very sweet and melancholy in the same way as those shows.

catastrophe-sharon-horgan-rob-delaneyCatastrophe (First Time) – If you are a fan of funny yet realistic romantic comedies then this one is for you.  The chemistry between the two leads (Sharon Horgan and Rob Delaney) is very sweet and grounded and made fall in love with Rob.  I dare you to watch and not do the same.

RuPaul’s Drag Race (First Time) – Honey, you better work.  This show is just fabulous and eleganza extravaganza.  Shantay, you stay on my DVR list because honey, if you can’t love yourself, how the hell you going to love someone else.  Can I get an Amen?  (This review is brought to you by the catchphrases of RuPaul)

Inside Amy Schumer (First Time) – This has been deemed as the Summer of Amy Schumer by media outlets, so I figured I would get on board and watch her show.  I was not disappointed.  Like most sketch shows, not all of the skits are amazing, but there is a lot of joy to be had from the good ones (my favorite being her Friday Night Lights spoof)

snowGame of Thrones (Catch Up) – I had fallen behind on this one and catching up seemed like an insurmountable task, but that’s what summer is for.  Some of my experience was tarnished by spoilers I had learned through the grapevine, but this show is still pretty nuts.

Silicon Valley (First Time) – I will always support the comedies that get nominated in the Best Comedy category that are actually, you know, funny.  I was happy to discover that this is one of those shows, which is not surprising when considering the people behind it and the cast.

Justified (Catch Up) – This is a show that I love but fell behind on when I didn’t have cable.  This one is a really great drama that doesn’t get the attention it deserves.  Also, I will never be mad at Timothy Olyphant in a hat.

Helena-Tatian-Maslany-in-Things-Which-Have-Never-Yet-Been-DoneOrphan Black (Catch Up) – If you caught a whiff of the excitement around Tatiana Maslany’s Emmy nomination and wondered why everyone was making such a big deal, watch this show and you will totally get it.  I had already watched the first season but needed to catch up on the 2nd and 3rd.  I know that the 3rd has gotten some mixed reviews, but I will always love getting more Helena.

Humans (First Time) – There wasn’t a lot to binge here because it is fairly new, but I did watch all episodes one Saturday a couple of weeks ago.  I found this show quite interesting and hope that more networks start picking up British imports.

I know.  I have a problem.


Choice Picks: The Entertainment Podcasts You Should Be Listening to (According to Whitney)

My name is Whitney, and I work… in an office.






Everyday presents a new challenge.







And my co-workers are great.


In general, it’s just a really fulfilling way to make a living.






But sometimes, even your dream job can be invaded by occasional moments of tedium and drudgery. I know it’s hard to believe that ennui can set in when you’re making 300 copies of a 90 page, 2-sided insurance document, but it can happen. To combat that, I developed a passionate relationship with podcasts and I’d like to share with you what I’ve learned. Here are the top five podcasts to get you through the workday, according to me (aka The Final Word).

posterBlacklist5. The Black List Table Reads

I like to believe that one day, technology will provide me a way to sit at my desk and watch movies all day while appearing only marginally unproductive. The Blacklist Table Reads is the closest thing we have in 2015. It’s essentially a recorded table read of awesome unproduced scripts, performed by some surprisingly big names. Paul Sheer, June Diane Raphael, Rose McIver, and Parminder Nagra are just a few of the many voices you’ll recognize. If you have even the remotest interest in movies, Black List Table Reads should be a safe bet for you.

4. Science V.

Ok, this one isn’t, strictly speaking, an entertainment podcast. It is, however, absurdly entertaining. This show takes 6507062-3x2-700x467popular science fads and pins them against hard scientific data. Before you panic, it’s not remedial Statistics. The format is really engaging and host Wendy Zukerman feels like a BFF waiting to happen. So far, the show has tackled e-cigarettes, race, the female brain, and lots more. Season one just concluded, but that means all of season one is locked, loaded, and ready to binge.

1435103169-tumblr_np69fuubcu1sez6y5o1_5003. Mystery Show

This one is slightly harder to synopsize. It’s sort of like if Veronica Mars were a Wes Anderson movie. It’s a show that ostensibly solves a weekly mystery, but the mysteries are less whodunnit and more “exactly how tall is Jake Gyllenhaal?”. Not kidding about that. It’s laughably addictive. Just trust me.

2. This is Actually Happeningcover170x170

Another entertaining, non-entertainment podcast. I stumbled across this one by accident and became hooked, in spite of myself. It’s people, just ordinary people, sharing stories. The stories themselves can often be hard to listen to, and a few are admittedly very disturbing. It’s sort of like being at a sleep over, post-3 am. You know, when everyone is talking and sharing intimate details about themselves, and suddenly someone tells the most insane, personal, unbelievable anecdote and no one ever mentions it again? It’s like that.

CHqFPsVWcAIII3l1. Pop Rocket

Pop Rocket is my salvation. Everything I need, I can get from one weekly dose of this show. It’s a round table homage to all things pop culture, hosted by the ineffably charming and hilarious Guy Branum. Every panelist has a particular area of expertise: Guy the Comedian, Wynter Mitchell the Media Strategist, Oliver Wang the Academic, and Margaret Wappler the Journalist. They are all so well spoken, so smart, and so distinctive that they warrant a dedicated Fangirly post of their own (but who has THE TIME?). Point is, you could spend your day trying to make small talk at dinguses with whom you share a work-space, or you could listen to interesting people talk about their passions. I leave it to you.





A Birthday Tribute for Whitney: Queen Whitney and the Parade of Chrises

Once upon a time, there was a fair maiden named Whitney.  She was queen over all the land of Vernalia.  She was a fair, but vigilant leader.  eating junkHer subjects worshiped at her beautiful feet.  On the eve of her 23rd, her loyal subjects sought to honor her in a way befitting her status as the most benevolent and beautiful maiden in the land, so they brought her an array of Chrises.  “O, incandescent Queen Whitney, we present to you these men,” said her lady in waiting, Ellen. “So that you may pick one of your choosing to do with what you will.”surprise face  “Marry him or… do what you will. Will that you suit you on this the day of your glorious birth?” I'd love it First down the great hall, came Chris Hemsworth and he knelt before her throne.Hemsworth wink  “He is quite the hunk of man, ” said Whitney, the fair, with an approving eye.I would have his babies  “He can be saved for further consideration.” And down the hall they came, dozens of Chrises.   Dozens of usChris Evans, Captain of… America…Evansheating upOne after the other they came.  Chris, the Earl of Pine…

pineChris O’Dowd, the charming Prince of Ireland…odowd

Chris of Messina…messina


Chris of the Hardwicks (he brought props to demonstrate how he would treat the queen)…hardwickChris the Duke of Parnell (how did he get in there?)…parnell


Chris of the Topher Melonis…meloni

Down the aisle they came. “And to top us all off,” said Lady Ellen with a flourish, “Chris of Kingdom Pratt.”prat manso-cuteWith that final option, Whitney was left with quite the dilemma.

tina 25 guysDifficult lifeDont pretend to know my painEllen tried to console her during this trying time.I acknowledge your pain“But my queen, who said anything about choosing?”  This had Whitney’s attention.ReallyUntil she was quite overjoyed.jane-dance“I have made my decision,” she exclaimed.  “I will not choose one and instead I shall keep you all to do my bidding.  I am after all the queen and always strive to live my family’s motto:”

shark weekHer declaration was met with thunderous applause by all of the men named Chris, as they all had hoped to serve her.  And Whitney was quite pleased with her decision, as well. anigif_enhanced-buzz-24304-1419268580-4And Whitney and her Chrises lived happily on this the day of her birth and all the days after.

Happy Birthday, Whit!  Love ya!





Sweet Streams: Derek

derekOur category of “Sweet Streams” has never been more because this show is “sweet” both in the “sweet, brah” sense and in the “awww, how sweet”.  This show has been around on Netflix for a quite a while now and I am not sure how or why I went so long without watching, but in the course of two days, I recently watched both seasons.  When I told my mom that Ricky Gervais was in a show that was very sweet, she thought I was being sarcastic, but fans of Extras and The Office may not be as shocked.

Derek follows, you guessed it, Derek, played by Gervais, and his cohorts at the senior home where he works.  Derek is a little odd, but with a heart of gold, caring most for little animals and his friends.  Chief among those friends his Hannah, the manager of the home who has a lot on her hands trying to care for the residence, but more efforts seem to go towards wrangling Derek and his friend Kev.  Her big sisterly love for Derek is the real heart of the show.

If you, like me, sometimes crave a good cry, then this is the show for you.  Even if you ar not a crier, there is no way that this show won’t tug at your heart strings.  Its main message of surrounding yourself with good people who understand what is really important in life is touching.  Give it a watch.



Fangirly Crush of the Week: Jason Derulo

Summer is here and with it rolls in my favorite anytime of year dance competition show, So You Think You Can Dance.  However, never before this year has SYTYCD had such a dishy judge on the panel (with the exception of guest judge Twitch, but that is for another week).  Jason Derulo joined the show as a permanent judge this season and, honey, he can talk dirty to me (and more) all he likes. I know, it’s an obvious joke, but still true.

I had never really paid him much mind because “Talk Dirty to Me” is the only song of his that I know, but I perked up a bit when they brought him on the show.  And THEN, I perked up a lot when he sang and dance with a group of kids on this week’s premiere.  Maybe if he is a really poor judge on SYTYCD I will lose interest, but for now I’m all in.


Sweet Streams: Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries

castThis is the time of year when I start scouring the streaming services for shows to watch.  While I admittedly tend towards re-watching my old favorites, I do sometimes give those unknowns in my “Recommendations” section a chance.  I kept seeing Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries pop up and took it for one of those Miss Marple-type shows that Masterpiece Theater was putting out in the 80’s.  While the show is a Miss Marple-type show, it is decidedly more modern.  Even though it is set in the 1920’s.

The show is a recent hit out of Australia based on a series of mystery novels by Kerry Greenwood.  Both the novels and TV show follow “lady detective” Phyrne Fisher, played by Essie Davis on the show, as she works with, and sometimes against, the Melbourne police force on, you guessed it, murder mysteries. Phyrne is a forward-thinking, glamorous, wise-cracking woman who you could dislike for how cool she is and how many men fall at her feet, but she is just so dang likable and good to the people who are close to her.  My favorite among those people is her demure, ultra-Catholic maid who often helps Phyne in matters outside those of the domestic variety and begins a sweet romance with the equally guileless but Protestant (gasp) Constable Collins.  These two are just too adorable.  In contrast, the simmering sexual tension between Phyrne and Detective Jack Robinson is equally satisfying if not quite as actualized on the show.  The characters make the show for me more than the actual cases, but the mysteries are still dealing with a lot of issues, such as homosexuality, sexual politics, and drug use that you don’t get from some of those old Masterpiece mysteries.

I know that several of our readers, like me, enjoy a good period drama and are sure to enjoy this cheeky, period murder mystery and it really is perfect for some light summer viewing with a dash of intrigue.

– Ellen

Web Bytes: Beyoncé Dancing to the DuckTales Theme

I have discussed my nostalgia for my cassette tape of theme songs from the “Disney Afternoon” lineup and I am a human being on planet Earth so, of course, I love Beyoncé.  That being said, it should come as no surprise that this video is my new favorite thing.  The creator of this video and I should probably be best friends.

If you like than should have put a “woo-ooo” on it.

– Ellen