Get with the Program: Parenthood

Do you remember where you were when you learned Gilmore Girls hadn’t been picked up for an eighth season? I sure do. I was washing my hands in the girls’ bathroom at my high school, when I overheard two other girls talking about the cancellation as if it wasn’t the end of civilization as we knew it. Can you imagine getting that kind of news second hand? I mean, the least the CW could do would be to send me a handwritten condolence letter! But I digress. My point is, I really thought that my seven year long love affair with Lauren Graham was finally coming to an end. Even after I heard that she had been cast in a new NBC show, I was sure it could never be as hilarious and sweet and smart as my beloved GG. Luckily, I gave Parenthood a chance anyway.
Yes, my fellow cinephiles, I was served a big heaping plate of my own words. I started watching NBC’s family drama, also staring Dax Shepard and Peter Krause, with every intention of hating it. That steely resolve lasted about 30 minutes into the pilot. Thus my love of Parenthood was born.
There are so many reasons to love this show, Peter Krause being one of the biggest. I will admit to being totally bananas for his character Adam Braverman, the well-intentioned family man who has to deal with everything from unemployment to his son’s recent Aspergers diagnosis.
And even though all the characters are dealing with tough real-life situations, the show still manages to be funny and light hearted. I’ll be real with you, it’s no Gilmore Girls. What show ever could be? It is, however, one of the best family dramas on TV right now. But don’t take my word for it. The fourth season began earlier this month, but you can still catch up on the first three seasons on Netflix streaming. I give you my word as a fangirl that you will love it. Long live the Bravermans!
