Top Five Reasons Why I’m Falling Out of Love with The Vampire Diaries

I want to be clear: I am a huge VD fan. Ellen and I, being the veteran TV watchers we are, managed to crank out the entire url7first season in a 24 hour period. At the end of that day I was sure of two things: first, I really, REALLY needed a shower and second, Damon Salvatore was a god. But lately I’ve been feeling a little disenchanted. Here’s why.

5) Can we agree that the vampire thing is a little played out? I mean, after The Vampire Diaries, Twilight, True Blood, Being Human, and Moonlight, I really feel that the sexy-undead-tortured-soul thing has really run its course. This, coincidentally, is one of the dangers of writing a show that’s based on a pop culture fad. All fads end eventually, and all your left with is a series about something that people have seen a zillion times. Hardly innovative, if you ask me.

Elena4) Elena is getting on my LAST nerve. I’ve never been a fan of the shows supposedly irresistible heroine. As far as I can tell, the reason people keep falling over her is because she’s really, really pretty. I personally feel that she’s prosaic, passive, and SUPER self righteous. I realize that by saying this I am jeopardizing my relationship with Ellen, the biggest VD fan I know, but honesty is the best policy, right? …Right?

3) The Damon/Elena hook up was less satisfying than I hoped. I guess this really stems back to #4. I just don’t get why a guy who has been around for 150 years is into a teenage ex-cheerleader who spent the better part of the last three seasons boffing his brother. Actually, now that I’m thinking about it… gross…

2) The story is starting to feel a little ‘been there, done that’. I get it. When writing a show that has been running as long as VD, you feel like you’re constantly having to out-do yourself. But I feel that you can only save the world so many times before you start phoning it in. Come on people! Make me believe that you really DO want to avert the apocalypse!

1) Guys, know when to call it a day. After four season of supernatural melodrama I feel like I can’t even follow the Damon-3-the-vampire-diaries-28002589-426-361story anymore. Almost every lead character on the show has died at some point, and these jokers have back stabbed and plotted against each other so many times I can’t figure out who’s still on the same side. Frankly, I would rather have the show end now while it’s still a good show than have them drag out this nonsense for another three seasons.

Do you agree? Disagree? Either way, feel free to let me have it in our comment section!


MBK: Ben Wyatt, Shawn Spencer, and Damon Salvatore

This weeks Marry Boff Kill is perhaps the most contentious in recorded history. We will be deciding the fates of three of TV’s handsomest men: Ben Wyatt (Parks and Rec), Shawn Spencer (Psych), and Damon Salvatore (The Vampire Diaries).

936full-james-rodayWhitney’s Answers:

Marry Shawn Spencer: Anyone who doesn’t think that Shawn is marriage material is an old sponge with hair hanging off of it. He’s funny, self-employed, and he kinda looks like a young Andrew Lincoln. Also, because Shawn and his BFF Gus are something of a package deal, I would be getting two smokin’ hot men for the price of one. To not take that deal, I would have to be just like Topher Grace walking on the beach at the end of In Good Company.

Parks and Recreation - Season 4Boff Ben Wyatt: Is it ethical to boff someone out of curiosity? I mean, we know Damon can boff with the best of them, and Shawn has a long-standing reputation as a ladies man, but Ben Wyatt is something of a mystery. So  I’d boff him, you know, just to see what the deal is. Does that sound slutty? I’m sure my mother will let me know. Damon Salvatore: I really have no problem killing Damon because he is a lead character on a show that is notorious for killing people and bringing them back to life. I’m pretty sure that the writers of VD will think of some supernatural plot device that will have him up  and dancing on that banister again in no time.




Ellen’s Answers:

Whitney, you ignorant slut.  This is the only real course of action…

parks-and-rec-benMarry Ben Wyatt:  Ben Wyatt has all the qualities that this girl looks for in a mate.  Namely, that he would be a most faithful, lifelong Comic Con companion. I would support him in his every endeavor, whether they be lackluster claymaish shorts or his Low Cal Calzone Zone.  We would enjoy nights of Game of Thrones viewings and lively debates on the value of the Lord of the Rings trilogy.  How can a real fangirl not marry this fellow nerd?  Ben Wyatt, I like you and I love you.

tvddamonemotionsnotextBoff Damon Salvatore:  Whitney, you shock and amaze me.  How can you post your above picture of the infamous bannister dance and NOT boff Mr. Salvatore?  And look at that cock of the eyebrow.  I could never resist.  I think I can safely say that if Damon Salvatore is ever in a round of Marry Boff Kill, he is always the ONLY option for boffing.  I don’t want to marry into all that broody, self-loathing, immortality.  But a night of passionate vampire boffing?  Check, please.

NUP_135034_0102Kill Shawn Spencer:  As is the case with most killings in this game, this one grieves me.  I love Shawn Spencer and a life with him would one full of laughter and adventure.  But… he’s also a manchild and this girl likes men.  While I take much joy from watching his childish antics every week (or when USA deigns to air this show every six months to a year), I don’t think I would want a lifetime of them.

Who got it right?  What are your answers?

– Whitney and Ellen